Environmental, Health, and Financial Benefits of Eating with the Seasons

By admin / June 24, 2022

You may have started to realize that you should be more conscious about the food you purchase and eat. From rising food prices to the need to be more environmentally friendly, grocery shopping is starting to evolve into something a bit different from what we’ve known before.

In previous decades, we were able to shop for just about any type of food we wanted, no matter where we were in the world or what season it was. However, as we start to become more environmentally conscious and focus on our health and our finances, this is changing.

One change you’ll see (and should consider making) is to eat with the seasons and experience all of the environmental, health, and financial benefits from it.

What is Eating with the Seasons?

So, what does it mean to eat with the seasons? It means that your diet revolves around produce that is currently harvested in whichever season you’re currently in. Now, this will look different for everyone depending on where they live. For example, those who live in warmer climates will have more spring or summer produce more often throughout the year.

If you aren’t sure what fruits and vegetables are harvested in which season, take a look at a list for some guidance.

Environmental Benefits

When you eat produce that is out-of-season, you’re encouraging non-friendly environmental practices. Just think about how far your blueberries had to travel to get to you during the winter. Most of our berries come from South America, which is quite a long journey that contributes to pollution.

When you purchase in-season produce, the transport time from where they grow to your grocery store is significantly less. This means less pollution in the air and less use of gasoline and oil.

Health Benefits

When you add more in-season produce to your diet, you’ll notice some slight benefits to your health as well. Because you’re getting fruit that is harvested at the right time and doesn’t have to travel very far to get to your grocery store, it has more nutrients compared to out-of-season produce. There are fewer preservatives and hormones used to get your out-of-season fruit and vegetables tasting just as good as if they were in-season.

This is extremely important, especially for food-focused businesses like Lean Kitchen, which values nutritious meals when preparing them for customers. If you choose to order a meal, you’ll also want to be more conscious of whether or not the ingredients are in-season.

Financial Benefits

Have you noticed your grocery bill amount slowly increasing over the last year? You aren’t the only one!

One way to keep your grocery bill low is by purchasing in-season produce. Since there is an abundant amount of it and it costs less to transport it to the store, you can get these fruits and vegetables for a fair price, especially when compared to out-of-season produce.

Next time you go to the grocery or start planning your weekly menu, consider adding some more in-season produce to your diet. The benefits are amazing!


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