3 Things To Do Each Morning To Help You Have A Better Day

By admin / December 4, 2019

Mornings can be hard. Especially if you’re not particularly looking forward to the day ahead of you, be it a rough day at work or sick kids at home, getting out of bed may be one of the hardest things you have to do. But by creating some healthy habits that help you start your day off right, you can start to have consistently better days throughout your life.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three things to do each morning to help you have a better day.

Step Outside For Some Exercise

One of the best ways to awaken your body and your mind right after you’ve gotten out of bed is to get some exercise. According to Sarah DiGiulio, a contributor to NBCNews.com, getting some exercise in the morning can help release endorphins and lighten your mood throughout the rest of your day.

To feel an even bigger impact from this, you could step outside to do this light exercise and get some vitamin D as well. By doing this, you’ll be boosting your mood as well as helping your body set its circadian rhythms correctly, making it easier and easier for you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on your day each morning.

Jump In The Shower

After you’ve gotten a little bit of a sweat on right after waking up, the next best thing for you to do is to jump in the shower and get yourself nice and clean.

According to Alyse Kalish, a contributor to The Muse, getting in the shower in the morning is a great way to wake up both your body and your mind. And while you’re in the shower, or once you get out, you’ll also be able to get a great close shave since being in the hot water will soften your hair and make it easier to shave closely.

If you don’t have time to take a full shower every morning, even just washing your face and splashing some cold water can help liven you up both in the way you look and the way you feel.

Fuel Your Body Correctly

Eating the wrong foods in the morning can leave you feeling even more groggy than you did before. So to help you know what foods are going to best fuel your body throughout the rest of your day, Minda Zetin, a contributor to Inc.com, recommends that you drink a full glass of water and then eat something packed with protein before you head out the door.

If you have a hard time starting your day off right in the mornings, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make some positive changes in your life.


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