10 Tips For Buying Perfect Curtain and Blinds for Your Home

By admin / December 4, 2019

Selecting curtains and blinds is often not a high priority when planning your home improvements, but it really shouldn’t be! Getting your home the right type of window coverings will not only make it look amazing, but it can also help with maintaining better temperature levels and reduce electricity costs from excessive lighting use.

Let’s look at some helpful tips you can use when shopping for curtains/blinds Perth to help you make sure you end up with the perfect fit for your home.

1. Buy The Right Material For Your Curtains

Generally, curtains made of linen, real silk, faux silk, and velvet hold up well against fading even in sunny rooms. If your intention is to keep out the cold or heat, then materials like tweed and suede are also good to consider.

Regardless of what you choose, lining your curtain material with additional insulating felt material will increase their longevity and functionality.

2. Choose The Appropriate Design For Blinds

When shopping for blinds perth, you will come across different types such as Roman blinds, Venetian blinds, vertical blinds, and roller blinds.

Each type is suitable for different types of rooms; for example, Venetian blinds are suited more for utilitarian rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom, while the softer, more flowing design of the Roman blinds make them great for living rooms and bedrooms. Explore your options thoroughly before making your final selection!

3. Suitable Colours Are More Aesthetically Pleasing

When shopping for curtains and blinds, ensure that you already know the general colour theme of your room beforehand. This way, you can buy colours that complement the other items like the seating, carpets, and other furniture.

If the room doesn’t really have a colour theme, aim to get neutral colours like brown, white, cream, and black so that it still matches overall.

4. Decide On Sheer Or Blackout Curtains/Blinds

The main use of a curtain or blind – beyond privacy – is to control the amount of light that enters a room.

For rooms that are mostly used for active things like cooking, studying, or playing with toys, getting sheer curtains can maximise the amount of natural light, which is conducive for such activities. For the bedroom or other rooms meant for relaxation, blackout curtains offer the best value, optimising sleep and stress relief.

5. Measure, Measure, Measure

Using wrongly sized curtains and blinds not only looks messy, it also defeats the purpose of having them in the first place.

An inappropriate size allows too much light, cold or heat in, as it does not form a proper seal on the window or door. Always measure the doors and windows you want to drape before you make your purchase!

6. Consider Custom-Made Curtains Or Blinds

While there are many off-the-shelf pieces you can buy, consider getting your windows custom-made curtains or blinds if you are decorating your forever home. These are especially useful for windows that are not the standard size or have an uncommon angle.

Sure, you’ll spend a bit more, but the end result will be worth it when you end up with something that perfectly suits the windows/doors you put them on.

7. Decide If You Want Machine-Washable Or Dry Clean Only Drapes

While this isn’t really a concern when purchasing Venetian or Roman blinds, for example, it should be taken into consideration when buying curtains. If you’re not willing to fork out money to get the curtains dry-cleaned, then look out specifically for machine-washable ones.

If you are dead set on a certain type of delicate material though, you need to come to terms that there may be no choice other than to dry-clean it occasionally.

8. For Insulation, Ensure The Gap Is Minimal

If keeping the cold or heat out is a major concern to you, then be sure to buy curtains or blinds that will fall as close as possible to the window or door and seal it as much as possible.

A big gap between the curtains/blinds and the opening you are covering would decrease the insulative properties as heat/cold can move in or out through the gap. Again, this is why measuring is crucial.

9. Don’t Discount Either Blinds Or Curtains

If you grew up in a home that predominantly used curtains instead of blinds, or vice versa, you may carry the impression that one is better than the other. For both doors and windows, blinds and curtains can be suitable options, so keep an open mind when shopping.

You may find that one option is just as good but cheaper, or complements your room’s theme better.

10. Skip The Headache And Ask The Professionals

All of the information above may seem like a lot. To make things easy, it’s best to consult those who’ve been in the curtains and blinds business for a long time.

Not only can they help provide great suggestions on what would best fit your particular environment, but they can also help you manufacture custom pieces and arrange for installation by professional installers.


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