There is a foolish notion in the world of small business, that the only companies which should have an online presence, are those that operate online in any way. In truth, this is a dangerous opinion to have which could very easily cause your business to have a great many issues in the future. The fact of the matter is that the technology for business and internet is the world’s biggest marketplace and even if you are not selling online, there are simply too many benefits to being active online for you to ignore them.
We live in a world where more businesses are being created than ever before, and a world where more businesses are going bust than ever before. With such fierce competition and such fragile businesses, it is fair to say that you should be doing all that you can to find success, and here is why being active online is one of the most important aspects to that.
Marketing is everything in today’s world and if you still think that radio or newspaper ads will cut the mustard, you are sorely mistaken. In this world we market online through social media, through banner ads, through promotional marketing and through email campaigns. Whether or not you are actively selling anything online is irrelevant, this is where the customers are and so if you want to promote yourself, this is the place to do it.
Recruiting for a new position? Social media is the answer to your prayers, you can use this medium to promote any jobs which you may have, manage applications and share amongst the community what you’re vacancies are. You can also use a social medic channel such as LinkedIn, to actively seek new members of staff who fit the criteria that you are looking for. Many small businesses rely on shift and temp workers to get by, if that is the case then you can take advantage of ShiftPixy, a social media app which directly connects you with available shift workers in your proximity. Job vacancies can be filled with speed if you use the internet.
Your Competition Is Already There
Just out of curiosity, write a list of which businesses are competing with you for market share, then go online, type their names in and see how active they are on the internet. Out of the three, you can pretty much guarantee that 2 of them are active online and that means that they are already ahead of you, they are soliciting customers, they are promoting themselves and ultimately, they are finding new ways of making money, that you are not. The key to any kind of success in business is to beat your competitors, or at least by on par with them, if any of your competition is already active on the internet, you are starting from a losing position. Get online and level the playing field between you and your competitors.