We never know when we’ll have our last day on earth. Make sure you do everything you need (and want) to do so you’re ready when that day comes.
Preparing for our last days should be a mix of having fun, being with loved ones, and making arrangements for what you leave behind.
Some of those things are more fun than others, and everyone’s “to do” lists are different. No matter how long or short, your list is, be sure you included these five things to do before you die.
1. Take Plenty of Adventures
Not everyone’s idea of adventure is the same, but be sure the top things you do before you die includes your style of experience.
Whether it’s sampling local cuisine throughout Europe or running a marathon in every U.S. state, make time for plenty of adventures!
Create a list and work your way down the list. You don’t regret the places you miss on the list, but you’ll regret never tackling anything on it at all.
2. Make Time for Your People
Friends and family will miss you when you’re gone. Making memories and spending time together should be on everyone’s list of simple things to do before you die.
Remember: quality matters more than quantity. If distance separates you from your best people, focus on what you do when you are together rather than worrying about visiting more often.
3. Get It On “Film”
We don’t deal with film in this digital age, but be sure to capture your moments and adventures visually.
It doesn’t have to be “Insta-worthy,” and you don’t have to organize it if that’s not your thing.
However, you’ll appreciate having photos and videos to remember your favorite adventures and time with your people. Plus, you’ll leave a record of your moments behind for loved ones to re-live over and over with you.
4. Do the Hard Stuff
Don’t leave your loved ones with the burden of your unfinished business. Funeral and burial arrangements can be expensive and emotionally challenging to plan.
Make sure your finances are in order. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but it’s essential to create a legal will that makes your wishes clear for your assets.
For help with final expenses, get an in-depth review of what you can expect and potential solutions.
5. Have Fun!
Since we don’t know when we’ll go, make sure you have plenty of fun before you leave!
Living life to the fullest is one of the best things you can do before you die. Read the book, buy the shoes, and eat the food. Conquer a fear, do things you never thought you could, or adopt a pet.
Whatever you do, enjoy yourself!
Don’t Miss The Best Things to Do Before You Die!
It’s your life until it’s over. Don’t miss out on the best things to do before you die! Whether it’s small things or big adventures, take advantage of your days and keep living.
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