Keeping Your E-Cigarettes and Accessories in Good Condition

By admin / March 18, 2020

If you are new to vaping, you probably are eager and excited to explore it more. There are a lot of new things that you should learn to enhance your vaping experience. Keeping your e-cigarettes and accessories in good condition is a challenge for many people including newbies and experienced vapers.

Correct storage of e-cigs and e-juice not only enhances the experience but also extends their lifespan. So, this guide is very important for those new to vaping. It will help you to enjoy vaping to its fullest from the beginning.

Proper Storage

There will be times when you want to safely store your vape device and e-juice. Some accessories like cleaning tools are only used occasionally. Proper storage of all these is necessary to prevent premature wear or damage.

Always store the e-cig in an upright position to avoid any form of damage or leaks. This is achievable even when traveling if you take advantage of e-cig carry cases. Apart from deterring messes from leaks, it protects the batteries and other components.

Proper storage also entails avoiding wet surfaces, exposure to sunlight and heat. This is an electronic device that can explode if exposed to excessive heat. Electronic components can be damaged if liquid leaks into them.

Store E-Juice in Leak-Proof Bottles

When e-juice bottles are not completely sealed, this could lead to leaking and damage. Imagine buying your favorite e-liquid only to find that it has leaked out of the bottle. If stored with other valuables, electronics and clothes, an even greater loss could occur. Luckily, e-liquids from reputable sellers are packaged in high-quality bottles that will not leak. They are also clearly labeled for ease of identification if you prefer having a variety of e-juices. If you are looking for this type of e-liquid, you can check it out here.

Carry Them Appropriately

Vape devices and accessories are often used on the go. People always carry their favorite device for convenience. To ensure both convenience and a great experience, use appropriate cases to pack the device, e-juice and any other accessories that you will need. They will avoid damage since they will be padded and protected from leaks that can occur if the e-liquid bottles are pressed by other items. Above all, it is a neat way to carry them.

Clean the Vape Device as Recommended

It is highly recommended that you clean your e-cig device regularly. This can be an uphill task for newbies, but each device comes with instructions on how to do it. If you are not sure, there are video tutorials that you can follow online. While cleaning, pay attention to the coils, tank and battery terminals. As long as these parts are sparkling clean, you can rest assured that the vape clouds will be excellent. Complement this with legit e-juice from reliable sources, and all will be good.


Whether you are a beginner in vaping or not, these tips are for you. As you can see, they cover the basic areas that create challenges for many people. Follow them today for an even better experience.

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