You might see people smoking the night before their test, but still get a negative result. You might think that they will be nervous because they are guaranteed to fail. But this does not seem to be the case. Fortunately for you, these people are not using magic or rocket science.
The good news is that you can be just like them. They avail the buy at home testing kits
to see where they are currently on. On a side note, many parents use at-home kits to test if their kids are using drugs. These are convenient and can stop the addiction before it becomes serious.
The key to passing a random drug testing that your company has required is to make sure that you are clean. If you are not, then the second thing that you can do is to detoxify your body. To make sure that your detoxification works, then a home kit will help you. These kits are similar to that of the tests and kits that most laboratories use on your samples. If you get negative results from the kits, then it’s an indication that you have made your chances of passing higher.
Why Need to Pass in the First Place?
You may ask why you should bother with the detoxification process or buying the kits. More information about detox can be found here. But if the consequences include losing your job, paying fines, and even going to jail, then you should do whatever you can to pass.
Many users who don’t have any intention of quitting smoking weed should see no reason to quit. This is especially the case for people who use weed for relaxation. However, they should have every reason to pass the test because their reputation and jobs are at stake.
Even if marijuana was legalized in many states, there are still companies who made it a point to be a drug-free or a “clean” place to work with. This is what makes them attractive to many job seekers. However, there are a lot of people who smoke a joint or two. These people are not addicts. They just want to forget the face of their supervisors for a minute or two. They just want to relax after a long week.
For people who are considering random drug testing as a black cloud, the good news is that the market has heard their cries and has responded accordingly. There are a lot of products that get rid of toxins in a few days. Some shampoos mask the presence of drug metabolites in the hair. There are fake pees that are being bought by the dozens because urine drug test is a very popular method of many laboratories. Most of all, there are home kits that you can use to know your chance of success.
How Reliable are the Kits?
If a drug test at home is done properly, the results can be pretty accurate. However, if the standards for collecting the sample was not followed, then the results may be misleading. Read more about samples in this site: What you can do is to research about the kind of test that you are going to perform, know the collection window, and have good knowledge about the method that you are about to perform.
The accuracy will depend on the specimen, so you need to follow instructions carefully. Collect pee at temperatures between 97 degrees to 99 degrees or depending on package instructions. The subject must not also be contaminated. Depending on the illegal substance used, some vary its detection window. For oral fluid, you need to analyze the sample immediately.
Most employers nowadays realize that random drug testing does not work anymore. This is because the cost and hassle are not worth it. However, for some who still believe in the reliability of this method, the kit increases your chances of passing. The goal is to pass everything and turn out negative. This way, there are no questions asked. One way to know is to get a kit where you can do the test at home and see the outcome for yourself. You can know more information by researching on sites and other resources to increase your chance of passing.