6 Ways to Stay Cool in the Summer Sun

By admin / June 24, 2020

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to summertime is how to stay cool while you have fun in the sun. After all, heat stroke is a very real, dangerous condition. To help you stay comfortable, even while outdoors during the hottest months of the year, try one or more of these smart tips.

1. Get an A/C Unit

Even if you love the summer heat, the chances are good that you will look for refuge during the hottest hours of the day. As homes can also get quite hot in the summer, it makes sense to get a Moncrief Heating & Air Conditioning to keep you cool in summer and warm in winter.

The unit can keep your family comfortable indoors throughout the year, and using it is simple. If you like spending time outside in summertime, then popping indoors for a quick break can be just the thing to perk you up when you have a cooling unit.

2. Take Cold Showers

Cold showers can do more than reduce soreness after a workout and boost circulation. They are also very useful during the hot months. A cold shower will invigorate you and cool down your body temperature quickly. You’ll emerge from the bathroom feeling a sense of renewal.

3. Run for the Hills

Only joking. Although, as hills are automatically cooler than level ground, one of the most fun things you can do during the summer to stay cool is take a trip to a mountainside area. Hilly areas also tend to be surrounded by trees, so there is also more oxygen there than closer to the ground, which helps you breathe better through the heat.

4. Take Up Swimming

Regardless of where you live, there must be some sort of public pool in your area. Whether you go on a basic swimming course or take a few laps on your own, swimming can be a great way to cool off. It helps keep you fit at the same time. You might even go to an outdoor pool, so that you can enjoy the fresh air, all while keeping cool.

5. Wear Light Cotton

Light cotton clothes, including shirts and shorts, are a natural ally during the summer months. Cotton clothing is typically lighter than polyester, and it is more breathable too. That means that even if the clothing item appears thick per se, it won’t weigh you down or make you feel extra hot.

6. Apply Ice to the Crucial Points

While there is little doubt that an ice pack straight to the forehead is an efficient way to keep cool in the summer heat, it might be unappealing to you, especially considering you’re probably hot all over. There is a trick you can use to cool you from head to toe quickly.

Simply apply an ice cube to your main pulse points for a few seconds. This activity will automatically cool off the rest of your body. Your main pulse points are the same ones you check during an emergency, such as the wrists, neck, elbows, behind the knees, and ankles.

Final Words on Staying Cool

Now you know fast, effective ways to stay cool. Enjoy the season, all while knowing how to stay comfortable even on the warmest days. From taking a cold shower to using an air conditioner, several options are available to help you.


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