Whether you own a modern gas fireplace or a more traditional wood burning fireplace, if you’re looking to install an attractive hearth, which will instantly transform the look of your lounge, it’s well worth considering opting for a thoroughly modern glass hearth. Over some of the more traditional styles of hearths which are available.
What are glass hearths and why should I invest in one?
- Glass hearths can be easily placed underneath a gas fireplace
If you live in a modern property which features a gas fireplace, rather than an old school wood burning fireplace, you’ll be able to place your glass hearth directly underneath your gas fireplace.
- Purchasing a glass hearth is an excellent idea if you still want to showcase your home’s flooring
As an example, if you’re fortunate enough to own a home which offers solid wood flooring in your lounge, why cover up your hardwood floors with a traditional hearth, when you can purchase a modern glass hearth, that will showcase your stunning solid wood floors.
- Opting for a glass hearth will give your room the illusion of being larger than it is
If you were to opt for a concrete, granite or stone hearth, your hearth would seem to take up more space in your lounge, than a glass hearth which is see-through and which will make your lounge look more spacious than it is. So whether you have limited space in your lounge or simply want your lounge to look as spacious as possible, it’s definitely worth considering purchasing a glass hearth.
- Glass hearths compliment most interior decor styles
Whether you live in a newly built, modern apartment or you live in a traditional home in a well established suburban neighborhood you should find that a glass hearth will instantly complement your furniture and home decor. As glass hearths look just as chic in a room with traditional wood furniture as they do in a room which boasts stainless steel decor and a glass coffee table.
So no matter which home decor style inspires you, it’s well worth browsing high-quality glass hearths!
- Glass hearths are a breeze to clean
One of the major benefits of opting to invest in purchasing a glass hearth is that you can thoroughly clean your new glass hearth in under a minute. Using a microfiber cloth and an inexpensive glass cleaner. So if you’re looking for a low maintenance option, there’s no need to look any further.
- You can use your glass hearth to place your wood on top of
By far the best place to store your firewood is right next to your wood burning fireplace. As you’ll by far more likely to use your fireplace frequently during the long chilly winter months, than if you keep your chopped firewood in your garage.
- Glass is fire resistant
Another reason why you should consider opting for a glass hearth is that glass is a naturally fire resistant material.
So if you’re looking to purchase a hearth for your property, do yourself a huge favor and opt for a glass hearth.