Better insulate than never: how should you install loft insulation in your home?

By admin / March 8, 2021

There are many good reasons for you to have your home’s loft space insulated – one of those reasons being that, as the Energy Saving Trust indicates, your property could otherwise shed a quarter of its heat through the roof. Therefore, loft insulation can help to plug a heating leak and, consequently, reduce energy bills.

Furthermore, during its lifespan, which should last at least 40 years, loft insulation can pay for itself multiple times over. Nonetheless, how should you go about initiating the process of fitting that insulation?

What type of insulation should you choose?

There are certainly many different forms of insulation from which you could choose – including the easiest-to-install forms, mineral fibre and fibreglass, each of which come in rolls. Each of these types of insulation work by trapping warm air between the mat’s fibres and preventing that air from rising enough to escape.

Reassuringly, no matter what kind of rolled insulation you decide on, the insulation process that applies is exactly the same, says DIY Doctor. So, you could always go with, say, sheep’s wool or plastic rolled insulation – if you would prefer either of those particular rolled insulation options.

Is installing insulation in a loft a DIY job?

In many cases, it is – especially if you can easily access the loft and it is not beset by damp or condensation. If access isn’t a problem and your loft’s joists are regular, you could place one layer of mineral wool insulation between the joists before affixing another layer at right angles to cover the joists.

Still, in certain circumstances, you need to tread carefully. For example, if your loft is prone to dampness, you may, before being able to add insulation in a DIY fashion, need to increase the space’s ventilation. You should consult a professional if you are unsure how to rectify any damp issues.

While one alternative method of insulating a loft would entail fitting the insulation between and over the rafters, this job should be given to a specialist professional, as you wouldn’t be able to take a DIY approach here – whether you opt for rigid insulation boards or foam insulation sprayed between the rafters.

If you struggle to access your loft, you could ask a professional to insulate, which they could do by using specialist equipment to blow suitable insulation material – like mineral wool fibre, treated cellulose or polyurethane foam – into any awkward loft spaces where it is needed.

How do you intend to use the loft?

If that loft will serve as storage space, you will need to have boards attached over the joists. However, to ensure you can get enough insulation under the loft’s floor level, you should raise it – as, for example, many UK households could do by arranging for the installation of loft boarding from Instaloft.

If the loft will be used – or is already in use – as a living space, you must be careful to have insulation fitted to any walls or ceilings that separate a heated room and an unheated space.


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