A Homeowner’s Annual Maintenance Checklist

By admin / January 26, 2020

Checklists save lives. This has been true for decades. But in about the last 10 to 15 years, this has proven true in a new way. 

In 2017, one of the first major studies on checklists as part of surgeries found that a universal rundown of tasks and things to check reduced post-operative deaths by 22 percent.

Luckily, we’re not here to deal with life and death. It just goes to show that checklists are great. And an annual maintenance checklist can be great for anyone seeking to protect their home.

Every home is different and has different needs. But here are a few of the more universal things to consider.

How to Organize Your Maintenance Checklist

There are a few ways to go. But both revolve around time and seasons.

First, you can go down the calendar and plot out the month when things should get done. This allows you to think in a more similar to fashion to other calendaring efforts you have in your life.

Second, think in terms of seasons. This is a little bit harder because there are not hard deadlines for when one season ends and the other begins. However, this is beneficial to get into the life cycle of your home and the property it sits on.

What to Fling in Spring

In early spring, when it’s clear that winter is not quite gone, start with the outdoor cleanup. Rake any leaves that you missed in Autumn. Clear out dead annuals. Remove any fallen sticks you missed.

Start planting perennials and layout seed in the bald spots of your lawn.

Check gutters and make sure they are clear after the winter. Do this twice a year, especially at the end of summer and before the leaves start to fall.

Inspect your foundation from the outside. Note any cracks. Consider sketching or journaling them so you can compare any changes in later years.

Consider doing septic repair during early spring when things are slower for most contractors.

Summertime, Funner Time

Just before things really start heating up be sure to check things that keep you and your property cool.

Clean and run all fans and the A/C unit. Consider finding a local deal for an HVAC inspection to get ahead of any possible system failures.

Check all sprinkler heads if necessary. If you winterized your system, be sure to have the water line turned on before you try running the system. Turning the system on will usually tell you really quick of you have something damaged.

Walk in the grass to feel if it’s saturated even without the heads spraying.

Do It All in Reverse for Fall and Winter

These are seasons of preparing for the cold and dreary.

A lot of the things on the maintenance checklist are done in these seasons or done in reverse. Pay to have the sprinklers winterized. Cut back on certain garden plants. Turn off and cover the A/C and have the furnace checked.

Be Ready to Do It All Again

To quote an American artist, “The years start coming and they don’t stop coming.” A maintenance checklist can help you manage your house along with the other things you have to worry about.

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