A Guide To Finding The Best Modern Platform Beds

By admin / April 24, 2019



Finding the best modern platform beds is actually easier than you think. All you need to do is take a look at what your options are when you are searching out the right style and size. Most modern platform beds have a very unique style, but you should match that style to what is already going on in your home. The list here will make it easy for you to pick a bed that can keep you comfortable at all times of day no matter how much rest you need. In fact, you can get a much nicer platform bed than normal when you have done your research.

1. The Size

Modern platform frames come in all the standard sizes, and you need to pick the bed size that you think will be most comfortable for you. When you are making your choice, you need to see if there is a way to zero in on a size that you will want to sleep on every day. The best size and style only become obvious when you consider how much room you actually need when you are on the bed at night.

2. The Styling

The styling of the bed should be as sleek as possible. Most of these beds have very fine angles that make them look more modern, and the beds will fit in with most modern homes. However, there are some styles that use softer curves that might make you think of the 70s. If you are looking for a style that seems to be a bit vintage, you should start searching for the vintage or retro beds that will give you the look you want.

3. Flexible Slats

You need to find a platform bed that has flexible slats under the box spring. This does not mean that the bed bounces, but it does mean that there is a little bit less tension in the slats than on a bed that is completely firm. Plus, you need to be sure that you have found a bed that will be easy to assemble when you have planned to put your room together. Most people who are trying to put their bed together will have a hard time with slats and frames that fit together almost too tight.

4. A Comfortable Headboard

You need to use a bed that has a comfortable headboard included. The bed is much easier to sleep on when you have chosen something like this. Plus, you need to be sure that you have found a headboard that has a padding or fabric that will make it even softer than normal. When this happens, you feel like you are in a hotel.

The bed that you choose could sit up on a massive platform, but that bed must be selected for the size and comfort that it can create. Get a good style that is easy to assemble so you can get a good night’s sleep every night.

To read more on topics like this, check out the home improvement category.

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