The 5 Hottest Travel Destinations This Year

By admin / November 15, 2017

Never before has the question “Where should we vacation, this year?” been so easy (and difficult!) to answer. It’s easy because of the list of seemingly endless cool choices and paradoxically, it’s difficult – for the very same reason. The candidates for hottest travel destinations this year have been steadily growing. Check out this list of a few destinations that are especially hip and exciting for travel this year:


Chile is a country of remarkable natural beauty with no fewer than thirty six national parks.

This peculiarly shaped country (Chile is 2650 miles long but never wider than a mere 150 miles) is not only a nature travelers dream but also a gift for wine lovers. Travel to the celebrated Maule Valley and become immersed in its wonderful culture. Chile’s particular soil and climate make for unique wines that have enthralled oenophiles for years.

Then visit sexy, hip Santiago for fine dining blended with warm South-American hospitality and conviviality!


The country of France never strays far from the top of the list of hot travel destinations.

Staying with the wine theme, no country is better known for it than the cultural wonderland known as France. Bordeaux is simply a must for every culture-hungry Francophile.

They say that when a woman is tired of Paris she’s tired of life. French cuisine, French patisserie and French fashion will leave you will a new joie de vivre that will stay with you for a long time.

Just remember to always say “Bonjour”, “Excusez-moi” and “Merci”!

Cape Town – South Africa

You might frown at this one but Cape Town is one of the hottest travel destinations in the world today. Its unique character has been growing steadily ever since the Dutch colonized it in 1652.

Take a cable-car to dine at the top of famous Table Mountain or stroll through Camps Bay with its world class restaurants, shops and boutiques.

Marvel at the sight of the Indian Ocean clashing with the Atlantic at the southernmost tip of the great African continent.

Cape Town, the city of culture, wine-routes and breathtaking natural beauty, is a dream destination for international tourism.


The land of Stieg Larsson, Vikings andVolvo, this evergreen tourist destination will never disappoint you. Travel to the Swedish Lapland, the Bothnian Coast or soak up the ancient culture in Stockholm.

Check out the ABBA museum (Yes, they have an ABBA museum) or take days to revel in toe-curlingly wonderful art and culture at the FotografiskaMuseet, ModernaMuseet, LiljevalchsKonst museum and Swedish Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm.

All “museumed” out? Go dance the night away to some funky Swedish house music at one of Stockholm’s many hot clubs.


The land down under remains in the list of hottest destinations, literally as well as figuratively. Bask in Australia’s wonderful climate as you Kangaroo-hop around this great country.

Go snorkeling in Western Australia’s impossibly clear seas or take in the sun as you stroll down pristine white beaches.

Bursting with things to do, like hiking the beautiful coastline of Victoria’s Wilsons Promontory, marvelling at the Great Barrier Reef while sailing The Whitsundays or surfing at the famous Bondi Beach, Australia has an inexhaustible offering for the discerning tourist.


Bon Voyage, my fellow traveler. Pick one of these great destinations and escape the humdrum for a while.

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