How To Deal With Thinning Hair: 6 Pro Tips

By admin / July 25, 2018

When your hair starts to thin or recede, it can really take a toll on your self-esteem. Here are six of the best professional tips for how to deal with thinning hair so you can feel as good about yourself as possible.

You’re getting ready for work one morning like you do every day, when all of a sudden you notice it: your hair is starting to thin, and your hairline is beginning to recede.

For many, this can be an emotional time — especially if you feel like you’re fighting hair loss at a young age, or if you’re a senior.

You may feel sad, insecure, or even like you don’t want to leave your house.

While learning how to deal with thinning hair is something we’ll all likely have to face eventually, there are ways you can stop it from getting worse.

There are also tips and tricks that you can use to regrow your hair. You don’t have to shell out for expensive extensions just yet. There are affordable, safe, and natural ways not just for coping with hair loss, but for fixing the problem altogether.

Read on to learn how to restore your locks to their original state.

1. Check Your Products

If you want to step up your strategy when it comes to fighting hair loss, first take a look at the shampoos and conditioners you’re using.

Especially if they contain high amounts of sulfates or alcohol, this could be damaging your hair follicles and seriously compromising the health of the hair you do you have left.

Switch to a sulfate-free shampoo. You may also want to consider stopping coloring your hair for a while, to see if that changes anything.

2. Try a Cap

No, we don’t mean throwing on a hat to cover up a new bald spot.

Instead, we mean investing in the right tools to help you to learn how to deal with thinning hair.

Laser treatment hair caps from brands like Capillus help to stimulate your hair growth quickly and safely. You can wear these hats — which look like your average baseball cap — in public or at home.

Either way, no one will be the wiser as to how those 82 laser diodes are working to boost hair growth. You only have to use them for as little as six minutes every day, so it won’t disrupt your routine.

It’s also cleared by the FDA, and is totally battery-operated.

3. Beat the Heat

We know that you love the look of perfectly styled hair. You probably often use hot tools, like hair dryers, straighteners, or curling irons to help you achieve it.

However, it’s been proven time and time again that too many of these hot tools can damage hair growth, and can lead to hair thinning on top.


For the next month or so, we advocate for letting your hair air dry naturally, and embracing your natural texture, too. You can also use this time to start trying out elegant updos that won’t require you to use hot tools on your hair.

Braids, buns, and even twists can be done with wet hair, and will still let you look like a million bucks.

4. Harness the Power of Coconut Oil

Yep — tricks for thin hair is one of the many powers that coconut power has to offer.

In addition to giving you smooth skin, helping to fight bad breath, and a whole lot more, coconut oil has also been shown to help stimulate hair growth.

Plus, it’s an affordable option for those who can’t invest in professional hair growth treatments.

Just rub a few drops into your scalp, just like you would when you shampoo normally. Let it sit for about five or ten minutes, then rinse out.

Do this about three times a week for a month, and you’ll start to notice a serious difference!

5. Check your Vitamin Intake

Another awesome and effective way to learn how to deal with thinning hair?

Make sure that you’re getting enough vitamins.

Sometimes, adding iron-rich foods to your diet, like leafy greens and even nuts and seeds, will do the trick.

But in other cases, your body’s vitamin levels will be so low, that you’ll need to take some supplements to get the job done.

One of the most effective for hair growth is biotin.

Taking just one tablet of biotin a day won’t just help your hair to get longer, stronger, and thicker — it will also make your nails look fabulous.

You should also think about taking omega-three supplements. This will help your body to grow more hair naturally — though be aware, you may also see hair growth on your legs and underarms as a result.

If you don’t want to take omega-three supplements, there are tons of ways to work it into your diet.

Eating more of things like avocados, salmon, and even walnuts will all do the trick.

6. Take the Time to De-Stress

Have you noticed that you just can’t seem to calm down lately?

Are you dealing with an especially stressful time at work or even in your personal life?

If so, then all of that anxiety could be what’s actually causing your hair loss.

You need to find a way to lower your stress levels. You can try meditation, increasing your exercise, or even just spending a few extra minutes outside every day.

Be aware that sometimes, hair loss can indicate a medical problem. If it persists, talk to your doctor.

How to Deal with Thinning Hair: Wrapping Up

We understand that sometimes, learning how to deal with thinning hair is easier said than done.

You might feel unattractive, depressed, or even concerned that your partner won’t be attracted to you anymore.

The good news?

This is likely all in your head.

In addition to these tips, make sure that you’re working on loving yourself.

For more tips on how to do just that, be sure that you check out our website.

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