How To Stay Motivated While Working From Home

By admin / November 27, 2020

Across the nation, routines have been disrupted during the pandemic. For many, working from home for people like bloggers has become the norm. It might sound great at first- no commutes, annoying colleges, forgotten lunches, but it can quickly become repetitive and unproductive. Here are a few tips to keep you motivated whilst away from the office.


It’s important to have the correct equipment if you can. Many workplaces have sent monitors and other specifics to their employees, to allow them to work to their full potential from home. Even small basics such as stationery can make a huge difference to your approach to work. Why not support some small, local businesses like Paper Place, and treat yourself to some new pens, folders or notepads to help keep you organized. It’s beneficial for your work, and who doesn’t love getting a little treat in the mail, even if it is from yourself?


Without colleges and bosses around you are keeping track, it can be all too tempting to stay in bed, take extra-long breaks and generally lose your daily structure. By setting yourself a clear schedule, you can make sure you effectively manage your time, and get as much work done at home as you would on a regular workday. Setting alarms, turning off notifications and making daily checklists can help you avoid distraction and boost productivity. Sticking to your normal working hours will also help prevent burnout, as, without a commute and change of scene, it’s easy to lose track of time and work for far longer than you should.


When you’re scheduling your day, make sure to include plenty of breaks. Not only are these essential for your mental and emotional wellbeing, but they can also boost your physical health. Going for a short walk or doing some stretches will help your posture and reduces aches and pains, getting the blood flowing around your body and making you feel more energized. Whether you do some yoga, have a snack or watch an episode of your favorite show, there are many benefits to adding breaks into your working from home day.


It’s important to remember to keep doing the things you love. This can be a very stressful time, full of changes, and self-care is not always at the top of our lists. Try adding in time every day to do something you enjoy. This could be reading, painting, baking- whatever takes your mind away from work and makes you feel happy.

Change it up

Working from home nay have put into perspective what you value most in your life. If you feel a career crisis looming, there are plenty of options out there that can help you switch into a field you truly love. Even during a pandemic, there are accelerated nursing programs in Texas that you can study online, building on skills you may already have, to help you transition into a medical career in less than a year. Many charities and organizations also provide online distance training and lectures, as well as sights like YouTube and Skillshare, which can help build up your skills to prepare you for a new career. You don’t have to have everything all figured out, but a quick search may help you feel less stuck in a rut!

Brain food

It can be tempting to reach for something comforting and easy to snack on throughout the day. There’s nothing wrong with this, and you definitely deserve a treat, but did you know that there are certain foods out there that can actually boost your focus and concentration? Omega 3 fatty acids can promote brain health and are found in fish like salmon and tuna. You can also take fish oil capsules as part of a healthy diet. Coffee is great in the morning to kick start your day but drinking it late into the afternoon can affect your sleep. Why not try swapping that last cup of some antioxidant-rich green tea? Better yet, water is essential for brain function, and you should be looking to drink around eight glasses a day. You can even incorporate this into your schedule by setting timed reminders that you need to rehydrate.


Where you choose to work in your home can have an impact on your productivity. A noisy, cluttered environment is not the most conducive to focused work. However, not everyone has a quiet home office to work from. A small change like opening a window for fresh air, lighting a scented candle or clearing your workspace can have a positive influence. It’s best to get up and out of bed to work, as it allows your brain to make a clear distinction between the working day, and the time to relax. Laptop stands and posture correcting chairs can also be a good addition to make you more comfortable, and here is a list of some great noise-cancelling headphones to help your focus.


With all this being said, it’s totally ok if you feel overwhelmed in a new working from home situation. It’s so new for many, and if you enjoy a structured routine, it can feel isolating and unstable. By treating yourself kindly, and being patient, you can allow yourself to ease into a new routine and gradually become used to the changes. Keeping in touch with loved ones and colleges is also very important, as workplaces are often a huge part of our social lives. Why not organize a group call, or virtual movie night, to break up the week and feel more connected to each other? Amazon Prime has just introduced a new watch party function, so it’s a great time to (virtually) gather together and get stuck into a new box set or movie.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, and everyone works differently. There are no hard and fast rules, and many are still learning what works for them. Reach out and see what others are doing, share methods and tips, and keep conversations going- you will find something that works for you!


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