How Do I Start the Best Home Care Agency When I’m on a Budget?

By admin / March 21, 2022


Nurse measuring blood pressure of senior woman at home.

There are over 70 million baby boomers in the US, and that number is growing. Unfortunately, there are not enough healthcare providers to provide healthcare services to these aging adults. Luckily, passionate entrepreneurs are interested in starting a home healthcare agency.

A misconception about starting this business is the costs, so people shy away from it. The great news is you can start the best home care agency on a budget. Don’t believe us; continue reading to learn more.

File an Application With the State

To get payment from Medicare and Medicaid, your organization must adhere to certain regulations. Certify your agency by submitting an application for a home care license in your state.

You must establish your firm, get a tax identification number, and apply for an NPI number. These regulations for establishing a home health care agency vary by state.

Obtain Certificates From Medicare and Medicaid

By receiving these certificates, your organization can offer various health care services. You can provide nursing care, physical therapy, and much more. The great part is being reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid.

The process of accreditation may take up to a year. Along with obtaining these qualifications, several states require the agency operators to pass a jurisprudence test.

Recruit an Amazing Crew

Given that your company provides personalized treatment to patients, you want a workforce that reflects your vision. Once you’ve interviewed prospective employees, opt for an extensive background check. This helps prevent legal action if there are any issues.

How Do You Want to Charge?

The rate you may charge for senior home care services is determined by your location. Hourly rates are the most common method and can vary from as little as $18 per hour in smaller towns. In major cities, you might want to charge over $40 per hour.

Skills and Training

No formal education or medical background is required to start a senior home care company. The four most critical abilities are:

  • Common sense
  • Sympathy for your senior clientele
  • Honesty
  • Organizational abilities

These abilities are advantageous for arranging clients, errands, and domestic activities at the customers’ residences. Honesty ranks very high on the “critical” list, since without it, your customers will never trust you. They wouldn’t refer you to other elders, which is the most effective method to grow your company.


Given that your clientele will all be seniors, obtain a list of targeted prospects through senior marketing agencies like SenioROI. After that, contact them to present your service. If your neighborhood has an over-55 community, advertise in the monthly newsletter or bulletin.

You can also distribute flyers at the community center. Local senior centers are an ideal location for a flier or a few business cards or brochures. Creating a website helps prospects find you on the internet.

Learn More About Starting the Best Home Care Agency

The healthcare industry is booming, but elderly care is still lacking. This is mainly because being a doctor or nurse takes too much schooling and time. Not only that, people often find starting a home care business an expensive endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be.

Creating a business caring for the boomers is highly affordable. It is challenging, but we have all the right information for you. Continue reading our blog posts to learn more about starting the best home care agency.

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