Identification cards have become a crucial feature in the safety of facilities and workplaces. It is almost impossible to walk into any business or company without seeing employees wearing one. Organizations provide employees with ID cards and badge reels to provide effortless identifications on who does and does not belong in the area and make personnel processes streamlined.
ID badges play a role in the security plan of an organization. Thus, it is crucial to design the right card to attain security goals.
Organization logo
You must add a visual element to the ID card by placing the logo of your organization. Be sure your ID card or badge design is up-to-date with your current branding and marketing style. The font, logo, and colors must reinforce the brand’s message and project a professional image. Corporate logos are highly recognizable images for employees as well as security. To efficiently protect your cards against copying and forgery, you can even add capabilities such as Holokote to the printing. This technology adds an overlay of your logo that can be visualized when your ID is at an angle. When you incorporate your logo into the ID design, it will be more challenging to create forgeries of your company’s ID cards.
An excellent ID card design is both attractive as well as functional. The design of your card is just as critical as the security features it provides. You must invest time in your ID card design to make sure it meets every security and branding need. The card design itself can give critical information by utilizing colors and graphics. For example, hospital ID cards will often assign a specific color code to different floors and departments. It makes it effortless to identify the job and work of employees. The color bar system can likewise be integrated into ID badge reels. It helps designate a variety of security clearances.
Choose from either single or dual-sided design
Depending on what security or data features are provided in the ID card, it can be single or dual-sided. You must determine what functions the ID card provides for the organization and consider how much available space will be required. A dual-sided card can provide numerous information and features without having to sacrifice the design. When you opt for a dual-sided card, you can also add critical information at the card’s back, such as your company’s values and emergency contact numbers.
An ID card can either be displayed horizontally or vertically. You must factor in your ID card’s orientation since it will impact how your employees will wear them. It would help if you considered the different situations where ID cards will be utilized. If employees interact with customers regularly, your ID card should be designed as a form of marketing piece with your employee’s name easily readable by the customers. If employees are required to swipe cards regularly to access controls, the card’s orientation may also have an impact.
Employee picture
It is a standard feature for ID cards to utilize the employee’s picture on the card’s front. The photo image on an ID makes it more individual and unique. Photo identification is commonly used on documents such as driver’s license and passport. It increases the security as well as the authenticity of the paper. Government Security personnel can authenticate documents by examining both the ID card and the carrier of the card. Similarly, security and authority staff should use similar verification processes when checking employee ID cards in the workplace.
It is not enough that you have an ID system enforced in your business and workplace. It is also critical for these identification badges to be well-designed to work optimally for their purpose. Critical components include a photo and necessary technology that makes it hard to copy and forge.