Tips for Renting Audiovisual Equipment for an Event

By admin / January 31, 2018

When you set out to organise any event or just a small party at home, you will probably need to consider hiring some form of audiovisual equipment. Renting the audiovisual equipment for an event can be somewhat simple, due to the large number of companies offering these services on the Internet. But do not be fooled, everything that glitters is not gold.

Before renting audiovisual equipment, you must have several things in mind; for example, will the company from which you rent it also install it and even manage it if necessary. Unless you are an audiovisual professional, it is likely that a sound table and even an innocent projector will be a bit complicated to manage.

Many audiovisual equipment or AV hire companies can assemble all the audiovisual elements you need, and so you will only have to worry about organising the event and that everything goes according to plan.

But before renting any audiovisual equipment you should follow 3 steps, so that everything is perfect.

  • Make a list

Specify what audiovisual equipment you will need and for how long. It is not always the same price to rent a screen of certain dimensions as others, as it is not the same renting on a Monday compared to a Saturday, or for a multi-day event.

In addition, this list will also serve to determine the size of the event, to know if you have everything covered and if you have the necessary resources to produce it. It will give you a global vision of the event with which you can take a series of decisions.

  • Determine what budget you are going to allocate to rent audiovisual equipment

This should be done at the beginning of planning before you actually start organising the event. Each component of the event should be allocated a sum of money, and it’s advisable to dedicate s specific amount for the necessary audiovisual equipment, as it is one of the primordial elements for the event to be successful.

  • Consider emotional impact

Audiovisual products, such as sound, lights or images, produce emotions and this is what is intended with the organisation of an event, that the attendees feel and experiences emotions that make them relive again and again the moment they were in a certain event.

Enquire about all the possibilities that exist as provided by suppliers. Depending on your needs and your budget you should really base your choice on the years of experience a supplier has in the world of event production and the confidence they generate.

You can obtain a pretty good idea of this by simply accessing their website, blog and even social networks where you can get an overall feeling regarding ​​what kind of company it is and if you can count on it to rent audiovisual equipment for your event.

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