If you live in a house build way before 2000 or your home is two to three decades old, chances are your plumbing are dilapidated and need reworking. It is crucial to replace the cast iron plumbing as it poses a danger to your water and sewerage in your building. If you live in a home constructed in the 70s when cast iron was the most popular material, you have all the reasons to change them. There were various reasons why cast irons were popular then, and one of the main reason was that cast irons have a longer life span and usually lasts between 0 to 100 years.
You can see how long cast iron pipes last and why they are preferred. Plastic piping was not there back then, which is a suitable alternative to cast the iron. Also, cast iron plumbing withstands heavy load as well as high pressure, unlike other materials. Whenever you notice these signs in your home plumbing, just know it’s time to replace your cast iron plumbing.
1. Discoloration
Discolored water is the first sign you should notice when you take water from a damaged pipe, not unless you live in rural areas or you take water from a well. It is as a result of corrosion and rust on cast iron pipes. Whenever you notice discolored water, it’s time to replace the iron pipes.
2. Leakages
If you experience frequent pipe leaks, it’s a sign to get your attention that your iron pipes need checking. Mostly leaks in iron pipes translate to damaged sewer pipes. Cleaning products are the highest contributor to these damages as they contain sulfuric acid, which damages the pipes. Cracks on the pipes could also cause leaks.
3. Slow draining and backups
Experiences such as slow draining on flushing your toilet as well as running water down the sink is a sign that severe damage on your cast iron sewer pipes. Most products used for unblocking the pipes usually contain sulfuric acid, which destroys and damage the pipes.
4. Odor
A well maintained in perfect condition is airtight except some vents stacks. Sewer gas from a cracked pipe is unhealthy, and whenever you smell sewer gas around your house, it’s time to engage a plumber.
5. Molds
Any sight of mold along your pipes and your walls is a sure sign of damaged pipes. Most mold’s initial growth begins from as little as 55 % humidity. Cracked pipes will leak water to your walls and initiate the right conditions for mold growth.
6. Visibly very healthy lawns
Sewage is seemingly very unhealthy to us, especially when we come in to contact with it, but the results are somehow different when sewage comes in to contact with vegetation. It’s a natural fertilizer. One sure way of noticing underneath leakages is evergreen healthy better-looking lawns, and you have not applied any fertilizer on it. It is a sign of a leaking sewage pipe. Look for patches where the vegetation is overly healthy, and those could be the areas where your pipes have developed cracks.
7. Signs of indentation or sagging
Areas where your pipes get damaged, and water is usually leaking, forms a pool underneath, and your pavement or your garden tends to be saggy over a long period. It causes the soli to dissipate. It is somehow challenging to discover this kind of cracks but is a sure sign that your plumbing needs to be reworked or repaired.
Sewer lines and water pipes, especially those made from cast irons, give adequate warning signs when they need a repair. When some of these repairs get ignored, the damages can be carousal and lethal. Always take note of any unusual sign and consult your plumber to check on these warning signs though we did see how long cast iron pipes last. It’s nowadays; experts recommend shifting to plastic plumbing, which is a bit cheaper and safer compared to iron pipes.