Our parents, aunties and uncles spend a huge amount of their lives looking after us. That’s why it’s important that we’re there for them to repay the favour once they reach an age where they need extra support. Although you can’t be there to help every hour of every day, there is a lot you can do to make their lives easier. Here’s a look at some of the ways you can make your elderly family members feel more comfortable in their own home.
Deter others from gathering outside their home
One of the scariest things that can happen when you’re elderly or even if you’re living on your own, is when strangers gather outside of your house. More times than not, they don’t pose any threat to you or your home. Most young people who gather on the pavement outside of your home are simply looking for somewhere they can socialise.
Unfortunately, there is always the chance that one day one of these gangs will turn violent or try and damage your property. To make any elderly relative feel safer, it’s important to install devices that will deter these groups of young people from gathering outside of their home.
One of the most effective devices is also one of the easiest to install and operate, and one of the cheapest to buy. Simply buy an anti-loitering alarm, like those manufactured by mosquitoloiteringsolutions.com, and fix it to the side of their home. Then with one press of a button, they can activate an alternating high-frequency tone that is so irritating to young people that it will persuade them to move away from the property. The good news is that because our hearing deteriorates as we get older, adults simply cannot hear the alarm. This makes this device the ideal way of controlling exactly who hangs around your home.
Make it easier for them to call for help
No matter how safe you make your home, there will always be times when your elderly relative will need to call for your help. Whether it’s because they feel in danger, they’ve had an accident or they simply just want somebody to speak to, it’s important that you make it as easy as possible for them to get hold of you. There are a number of devices, like wearable panic alarms and even pull switches, that you can install around their home and that you can programme to instantly call you when activated. As well as these devices, a landline handset with big buttons and your number saved into the speed dial can make it a lot easier to keep in touch with you.
Install devices to help them move around their home
There are of course lots of devices that you can install around their home to reduce the chances of them falling and needing urgent help. For example, things like extra bars attached to the wall can help them balance themselves whilst they’re moving around the home. Simple tasks like bathing yourself can be extremely challenging when you get older. Luckily you can make the whole process easier by installing special devices, like baths with doors to make it easier to step into, as well as shower seats.
Follow these tips to make your relatives more comfortable at home as they progress through their golden years.