If you are into collecting different kinds of jewellery, you know very well that these fancy things cost a lot of money. And part of your responsibility as the owner is to make them last longer. Whether the pieces in your collection are real or just costume jewellery, they all deserve to be cleaned and preserved using the right method. Here are some tips to keep your pieces of jewellery looking as good as new.
Clean them at least twice a month
If you happen to own fancy brass jewellery, then you need to regularly clean it because it is prone to tarnish and stains. Tarnishing is a result of a typical chemical reaction of the brass with oxygen. To get rid of tarnish you can use either a commercial jewellery cleaner or create a homemade solution by combining a fair amount of baking soda with water. Submerge your jewellery in the solution for a couple of minutes before applying toothpaste to make it sparkle. Clean them using an old toothbrush, rinse well then place them in a towel and allow them to dry.
Meanwhile, to ensure that your gold and silver jewellery remains in tip-top condition it would be safe to use cleaning solutions that are made exclusively for them. You can find these items in local jewellery shops.
Keep them organised at all times
Do not store all your jewellery in the same container, to deter them from getting damaged and tangled. You must have a separate jewellery box for your earrings, rings, and bracelets, etc. If you buy a fingerprint necklace UK retailers sell, they usually provide a mini drawstring bag made of velvet cloth with it. Use it to keep the jewellery clean and prevent it from getting lost.
Remove if necessary
Some jewellery, especially gold, is prone to scratches and discolouration. Never wear any gold jewellery when you have plans for swimming in a chlorinated pool. Also take off your gold watch, bracelet, and rings when you are about to wash the dishes. It is because some dishwashing soaps contain harsh chemicals that may cause discolouration to most types of jewellery. Aside from that make sure to remove every piece of jewellery from your body before taking a bath and going to bed, to avoid damaging it.
Visit a professional jeweller
If you happen to have a couple of damaged jewellery items, do not attempt to repair them. For problems like this, it is better to leave it to the professionals even if it means that you have to pay extra to have them repaired. If your jewellery is under warranty, make sure to take advantage of it before it expires. Also, have your diamonds, gemstones and any other valuable items examined thoroughly to know their present value.
Avoid chemical exposure
Some jewellery is more sensitive than others. Do not place them in direct sunlight and avoid exposure to chemicals such as beauty products, make-up and hair products such as hair spray. Other household items should also be avoided such as vinegar and lime.