CBD can have plenty of benefits for your mental and physical wellbeing, and there are many popular products worth considering.
If you want to begin supplementing with cannabidiol (CBD), then you will first need to make three decisions: the type of CBD, the method of taking it and the dosage. This article will draw attention to a few recommendations to help you choose your ideal CBD product.
Three Types Of CBD Products
When looking for CBD products, you have probably noticed there are different options to choose from. There are three different kinds of CBD extract: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and isolates.
Full-spectrum CBD, also called whole-plant CBD, will contain all the cannabinoids, terpenes and trace elements that are found in the plant it comes from; this means it will contain a very small amount of THC compound (the potentially psychoactive cannabinoid).
Broad-spectrum CBD will include a range of the compounds found in the plant it’s from, but it has undergone an extraction process to remove THC.
CBD isolate is the result of an extraction process that results in the purest form of CBD available.
Common Formats Of CBD Products
Once you have decided what type of CBD you want to try, you need to figure out how you would prefer to take it. CBD oil comes in plenty of formats, and each of them has its own pros and cons. Here are the most common CBD forms:
CBD Topicals
Cannabidiol can be applied topically to the skin, through a CBD cream, although this would not normally be recommended for someone who wants to relieve anxiety because the CBD cannot enter your bloodstream. Creams are normally applied locally with the intent of soothing sore muscles or skin conditions, etc. This leaves you with three other options which may be more suitable for addressing anxiety: edibles, inhalation and sublingual methods.
CBD Edibles
There are a wide variety of edible options so you can vary how you eat or drink your CBD supplement. However, varying what edibles you consume does make it harder to ensure you are taking the same dose every day. Furthermore, edibles have to be digested before they enter the bloodstream, which can vary day-to-day depending on when you take them and how full your stomach is at the time. Therefore, some people prefer to treat edibles as occasional treats to have on top of their regular form of CBD supplementation.
CBD Vapes
The sublingual and inhalation methods of taking CBD both provide much faster ways for CBD to enter the bloodstream. Inhalation, using a device such as a vape pen, means that CBD will enter your bloodstream very quickly. However, it is important to note that there is still research being done into the effects of vaping on lung health.
CBD Oils
The sublingual method, which involves putting CBD oil under the tongue, is arguably the best way for a beginner to CBD supplementation to start taking the same dose at regular time intervals. You can conveniently measure out your dose in drops, and the CBD will reach your bloodstream in 15-30 minutes.
Suitable CBD Dosage
To get optimal results, you should take CBD regularly over some time. Figuring out your ideal starting dosage involves two elements: the strength of the CBD product you buy and how much of the product you take.
The answers to this will depend on your age, weight, the intensity of the symptoms, you want to address, amongst other factors. Basic principles of CBD dosage include starting with the smallest dosage possible and then gradually increase it over time. Of course, if CBD has been prescribed to you by a medical professional, then you should follow the instructions and the recommended dosage given.