So you’ve decided it’s time to open up a bar? Some bar owners love mixing drinks and could think of nothing better to do with their life. Other bar owners love connecting with and talking with people all day long, so it makes sense that they would love to open an establishment like this. Still others love working odd hours and can’t wait to remove themselves from the 9-to-5 life.
Whatever reasons you have for opening a bar, just know that it’s going to be an exciting and interesting adventure to say the least. It’s also going to be challenging in the beginning as you learn the ins and outs and ups and downs of this industry.
As an example, you’ll have to come up with a unique and interesting company name and then incorporate in the state where your bar will be located. If you plan to open your bar in the state of Georgia, you can check with the GA Sec. of State to find out if your business name of choice is still available. If it is, feel free to incorporate under that name, and you’ll be well on your way to owning the bar you’ve always dreamed about.
With that in mind, we will now take a look at our other favorite tips to help you get started when opening a bar of your very own.
So many bar owners fail because they open up their bar but do not have a plan in place to make it become successful. This is one of the quickest ways to fail in this industry, so you have to take time to create a business plan and map out your road to success.
By approaching bar ownership from this standpoint, you will catch all the minor yet extremely important details to help you succeed. Plus, when you write down your plan, you’ll be able to find any holes in it and patch them up so you have a real chance at achieving lasting success.
When opening a bar, you cannot just do whatever you please. You have to have the necessary licenses in order to sell alcohol in your state. So it’s best to contact the appropriate people in your community to find out about your licensing needs.
As an example, in order to serve food, alcohol, or even play music, you’ll need special licenses to be granted the ability to participate in these activities. If you’re in the state of Texas, as an example, you should contact Monshaugen & Van Huff to get help meeting your licensing obligations and needs. Those living in a different state should contact a local attorney handling these licensing issues in your area.
- Choosing the Best Location
A bar can either become successful or a complete failure based on its location. You want to open your bar and a thriving community to attract the most potential customers. When picking your location think about demographics, style, parking and accessibility, zoning laws, utility and rent costs, and more. By factoring all of these things into the equation, you’ll be able to choose the ideal bar location that will ultimately lead to having success in this business for many years to come.
Only you know the type of bar to open in order to fit your personality. Some people love the latest innovations and look forward to opening a high-tech bar with the latest technology. Others prefer a local watering hole or sports bar that serves simple food and drinks. No matter what, think about the bar best suited to you and use these tips to open a successful location in the near future.