We all know just how stressful moving house can be, but I have some tips here to ensure that it is less exhausting. These hints will help you find a way to reduce the demands moving places on you, and allow you to actually start enjoying the moment, looking forward to the change, and knowing that the whole thing is part of a new and rewarding experience that you decided you needed.
Take Your Time
Time is not always something you can control. Sometimes you will find needing to move sneaking up on you, forcing last-minute organisation, and you will need to act as fast as you can. If this is not the case, however, try to give yourself a minimum of eight weeks to get everything you need done. 12 is better, especially if you are hiring movers, but try not to do anything in less than eight weeks.
Get, and Stay, Organised
The first step is to make a list of everything you need to do, and then divide these over the time you have available. Spread the jobs over the weeks left you, and then go a little further and allocate different things to do to different days.
Once you have finished all the tasks on any given day, be sure and reward yourself so that you stay motivated. Spend some time relaxing at any of the excellent horse racing betting sites available online nowadays, watch an episode of your favourite series, or cook yourself a favourite meal. There are many ways to spoil yourself. Find one that you particularly enjoy and revel in it.
Start Clearing Your Clutter
I recommend that you set this task as one of your first, as the rewards for getting it done are enormous and will really help you in staying motivated and on track of your To Do list. It will also ensure that you only pack the things you need to, and don’t end up in your new apartment or home with a pile of useless items you are going to throw out anyway.
Say Your Goodbyes
Allow yourself enough time to make the goodbyes you need to. Throw a party, invite your friends over for dinner, take time to walk through the neighbourhood you have been a part of. Visit some of your favourite spots, and allow yourself to savour the memories and acknowledge the time that you spent where you were. This will make the transition far easier to do and will honour what has gone before in a meaningful way.
Get Enough Food and Sleep
This is being added in because they are generally the two things everyone ignores when moving, even though they are probably the most important. Make sure you are getting the amount of sleep you need to function properly and that you are eating a balanced diet. Don’t skip meals and don’t overdo it on the coffee, no matter how tempting it is. By eating healthier you will feel 100x better and thus, give you more energy and happiness.
And, above all, breathe. Everything is going to be great!