Heroin Addiction Recovery: How You Can Help

By admin / February 25, 2019

In 2016, 948,000 people used heroin. This number is only expected to increase with the prevalence of opiates.

Heroin is described as feeling a rush of euphoria and wanting to experience that sensation all the time. Even one use is all you need to get hooked.

Unfortunately, heroin addiction isn’t easy to see. Many people are functioning addicts and are able to hide their addiction. If you suspect someone you love has a heroin addiction, it’s important you’re there to help them.

What can you do to help a heroin addict? Here’s everything that non-addicts should know about heroin addiction recovery.

Recognizing the Signs of Heroin Addiction

The first thing you can do for your loved one is recognizing any signs that lead to drug addiction. These signs vary between behavioral symptoms and physical symptoms.

The physical symptoms are some of the most obvious to detect. These include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Smaller pupils
  • Sweating
  • Slow reflexes
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Needle marks

You can also notice behavioral symptoms. These include:

  • Constantly broke
  • Unable to keep a roof over their head
  • Not able to hold a job
  • Mood swings
  • Neglecting their appearance and basic hygiene
  • Hanging out with different and sketchy people
  • No longer pursuing their goals or hobbies

Every heroin addict is different, but these are the most common signs.

How to Approach a Heroin Addict

If you’re convinced a loved one is addicted to heroin, the best thing you can do is approach them. But how? It’s normal to not know how to address their addiction.

The first thing you can do is host an intervention. This is when you and other loved ones confront the addict about their addiction and convince them to go to therapy.

Keep in mind, intervention isn’t always successful. It’s common for an addict to show one or more of these emotions:

  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Excusing their behavior and their drug use

The addict may avoid you after the intervention. Don’t let this stop you from staying involved in their lives and from reaching out to them.

If your intervention is successful, you should help your loved one go through heroin addiction treatment.

Helping Them Through Heroin Addiction Recovery

The best way for an addict to recover from heroin addiction is to go through rehab.

They will be able to detox from the drugs and recover from their addiction under professional supervision. Read this guide to understand the different techniques professionals use to treat heroin addiction.

Even though rehab is beneficial, it’s still a trying experience. They’re battling their demons, experiencing severe side effects, and will miss using heroin.

Having a loved one encouraging them to recover will help them throughout this ordeal.

What to Do After Heroin Recovery

Heroin addiction destroys lives. It can take years to fully recover from heroin addiction.

After your loved one endures heroin addiction recovery, what’s next? It’s important you still support your loved one. Even after rehab, they’re at risk of relapsing.

How do you help your loved one after heroin addiction? You can teach them the basics of self-healing. Here are self-healing techniques that will improve your health.

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