Delicious Must Have Italian Deserts – Javier Burillo

By admin / January 20, 2022

Italian desserts are considered some of the best in the world, not only delicious but also healthy, which makes them unique from most deserts found in other countries. These deserts are combinations of ingredients that have been enjoyed for centuries and passed from one generation to the next. These deserts are known worldwide for their unique flavors and recipes, even though they are prepared differently. With the help of recipes from chefs like Javier Burillo, We will be showing you different types of desserts that are indeed Italian and delicious.


The first dessert is tiramisu which originated from Italy’s Veneto region. It’s composed of savoiardi (ladyfingers), mascarpone cheese, espresso, and cocoa which makes for one tasty dessert you could try at home. This is because it’s made with simple ingredients common in most pantries.

Chocolate Mousse

The second dessert is chocolate mousse which originated in Italy’s Piedmont region. It is made with egg yolks, chocolate, butter, and sugar, making for one luxurious taste to enjoy. It’s also very simple to make, which means you could have it ready in no time at all.


The third dessert is cannoli which originated from Sicily. It’s made with ricotta cheese, sugar, and vanilla essence, which provides a sweet flavor that everyone will enjoy. This dessert has been around for hundreds of years and has gotten popular in countries like the United States. Due to its Italian origin, many people tend to assume that this dessert originated from Sicily.

Biscotti Dessert

The fourth desert is the biscotti desert which originated in Italy’s Tuscany region. This dessert is made with biscotti, chocolate, and fruit, providing a tasty yet healthy way to end your meal. Besides tasting good, this desert also has a beautiful presentation that makes it ideal for those who want to impress their guests.


The fifth desert is zabaglione which originated from Italy’s Piedmont region. This dessert has a creamy, airy texture that provides a unique blend of tastes and flavors. It’s made with egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine which helps provide the strong taste that you would as for as a desert.

Espresso Affogato

The sixth desert is espresso affogato which originated from Italy’s Piedmont region. It’s a creamy, smooth dessert that consists of vanilla gelato and a shot of hot espresso, which provides a bold taste. This dessert is simple to make, which means anyone can make it without too much trouble at all.

‘ Granita Al Caffe

The seventh dessert is granita al caffè which originated from Italy’s Sicily region. It’s a bowl of shaved ice flavored with coffee which provides a sweet, cold dessert that is perfect for cooling off during the hot summer months. This dessert consists of ingredients that are commonplace in many pantries worldwide, so it’s very affordable.

‘ Zuppa Inglese

The eighth desert is Zuppa Inglese which originated from Italy’s Naples region. It has a custard-like flavor with cream and sponge cake pieces to give it an interesting texture. This dessert originates from England, which is where the name “Zuppa Inglese” comes from, which means English soup in Italian.

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