Top Tips For Kitchen Cleaning

By admin / November 7, 2018

Kitchen cleaning is necessary to keep your house sanitary. It requires you to diligently scrub many components of your kitchen. Each part of your kitchen – a sink, cabinets, a stove, a fridge, and a garbage, needs your attention to become cleaner. Just remember to check what detergents you can use to each of them in the very beginning of your work.

Simplymaid: home cleaning in Australia advises to start cooking with an empty sink and dishwasher. This is easy enough if you’re strict about emptying it and putting things away in the morning, which shouldn’t take too long. The reason? As you cook, you can load things into the dishwasher.

If you like to wash by hand, have a sink of hot water ready while you cook. That way, you can wash pans, boards and knives while things simmer or fry, and let them dry off while you finish cooking. It’s much easier to clean dirty cutlery and kitchenware before any food has dried out, so you’ll save loads of time by employing this trick.

It is a good idea to start cleaning your kitchen inside out, and from the top to down. This means you should clean out your cabinets, fridge, and storage areas first and leave your floors and garbage for last. You can check out these kitchen cleaning tips that will simplify your kitchen cleaning in the future:

Cabinets and Fridge

  • Begin with your cabinets and fridge, and start throwing away all unnecessary objects and outdated food. This will help you free up your space.
  • Wipe down debris with a household cleaning spray, and scrub away tough spots with a sponge. Be careful, and do not use anything that might damage the finish of your cabinet paint. Check what kind of detergents you can use to clean your kitchen cabinets and countertops safely.
  • Carefully put back your plates and dishes back in their respective areas to keep your cabinets neat.


When you are performing kitchen cleaning, it is a good idea to keep all your dishes, glasses, and silverware in your sink. If you have a dishwasher, you may pile up all of the dishes in the sink as well to load the dishwasher at the end. However, if you have one or two dishes, it is a good idea to wash the dishes immediately to make the cleanup process a bit easier.

Floors and Everything in Between

Kitchen cleaning should end with the floors after everything is emptied out and wiped down. You should remember to throw away your trash, clean the garage with water and disinfectant, and replace the trash bag. You should also organize all of your shelves. After doing so, you will notice that the floors are full of crumbs and little specs. Use a broom to sweep debris over to a dustpan. Throw it out. Begin mopping and wiping down the floor. Some floors need bleach, while others suffice with generic cleaning solvents.

These kitchen cleaning tips should make it easier for you to efficiently clean your kitchen space. Remember to avoid using a harsh chemical in your fridge because it may get in contact with your food. Also, avoid using abrasive sponges because it may ruin the finish of your tile or your paint finish. Some sinks and stoves, however, require stronger sponges because the

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