Signs You Have the Wrong Immigration Firm

By admin / December 22, 2018


You are hiring an immigration lawyer because you want to take the process seriously. You want to make sure that you have the top immigration lawyers who will help you achieve your goals. Some of them might ask a lot for the services they provide. Therefore, you need to ensure that you are getting quality services.

The first thing to do is eliminate the ones who could be potentially disastrous if you forge a partnership with them. The following signs show that the immigration lawyer or firm you are dealing with is the wrong partner for the job.

Uninformative legal consultation

You want someone whom you can consult with in detail before you decide what to do. If the lawyer does not provide quality information during the consultation phase, you might want to consider other choices. The lawyer might try to rush you into signing an agreement to start the job. During the consultation, you need to get information regarding the estimated processing times, potential issues you will face, the requirements you need to meet, and the estimated chances of getting your visa approved. Until you feel satisfied with what you will get should you continue your partnership, you shouldn’t sign the agreement.

You are not getting a specific attorney

When you choose a firm to work on your case, you need to get a particular attorney working on your case. The firm can’t pass you from one attorney to another without any reason. If you have problems, you know that you can count on the lawyer assigned to you. Otherwise, you will keep in touch with the representatives of the firm who may or may not know about your case. If you request a specific attorney, but you still did not get one, it is a sign you are with the wrong firm.

You get a mediation-arbitration clause

You want someone who is confident in providing legal services to you. When the lawyer messes things up, you want that lawyer or firm to be responsible for their actions. However, if the document they ask you to sign contains a clause freeing them from liability, you need to find other options. If something goes wrong, you won’t have any redress against the law firm.

You can’t disclose information related to your representation

The attorney-client privilege is usually for the protection of the client. The attorney cannot disclose any information given by the client unless given permission. However, the firm cannot do the same. You need to have the right to disclose information related to your representation.

You don’t receive immediate action

Sometimes, immigration cases require urgent action, especially ones involving deportation. You need a lawyer who is quick in addressing your concerns, otherwise, you might be in trouble. If your lawyer is not quick in providing action when asked for help, you need to look for other choices.

You will know if you are with the right lawyer, or not. You can find another person to represent you if you feel that the firm is not doing the right thing. If you are okay with the firm, but not with the lawyer assigned, you can ask the firm for a replacement.

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